
Encourager un état d’esprit entrepreneurial parmi les étudiants au cours de leur parcours académique ou dans leur vie associative à BSB pour soutenir des projets à fort impact.

photo de TEG, the entrepreneurial garden of BSB

The BSB Startup Studio Patron Club« BSB Start-up Studio »

Created in 2009, The Entrepreneurial Garden (TEG), BSB's space dedicated to entrepreneurship, is a Center for Expertise and Innovation in Entrepreneurship. Located in the heart of TEG,BSB incubator accompanies its student entrepreneurs through a process adapted to the particularities of each of them, which is carried out in two phases: pre-incubation and incubation.

Within the incubator, BSB students benefit from the advice of experts and teacher-researchers throughout their creation process. They are supported on legal and accounting aspects, trained in the practice of pitching and guided in their search for financing.

Numerous events are also organized to facilitate meetings and exchanges with the School's network of partners.

The BSB Foundation wishes to promote the development of the BSB incubator by supporting thestudent support By of Mentoring on the part of the sponsors, through the support of Learning Expeditions and the establishment ofa club of sponsors, “BSB Start-Up Studio” intended to finance scholarships for incubated students and the launch of their entrepreneurial project.

“BSB Start-Up Studio” was launched in 2020 and eight students who completed their educational mission at the School's incubator were able to benefit from a grant.

Donor words

I founded the company Eurogerm 30 years ago, starting from a dream, that of “creating my own company”. My audacity, my determination and my curiosity were my driving forces and today Eurogerm has exceeded 100 million euros in turnover with 500 employees in France and abroad and more than 2/3 of the activities abroad. Self-taught, sharing and transmission are values that drive me: I have devoted myself for several years, like a business angel, to helping project leaders create their businesses in France.In this perspective, I created the Steva holding, owner of two investment funds founded in Dijon, Star'Terre and Eat'Vallée, which aim to promote, produce better, eat better and live better, and to change the world in better.

Close to BSB for many years, it seemed coherent and relevant to me to be present at the BSB Foundation to support the School's incubator and guide young generations in their entrepreneurial ascent.
photo jean-philippe girard

Jean-Philippe Girard

CEO Founder at Eurogerm and Institut Arlèges, Co-founder of the Dr Wine group

The addition of an Entrepreneurship component this year responds to two important motivations: one that recognizes that value creation comes from individual entrepreneurship, this desire to see the emergence of new ideas, new products, new platforms, new ways of doing business; the other that recognizes that entrepreneurship requires particular courage and resources that are not available in current courses focused on business internships.

We therefore have a new ambitious dimension with our donations to the Foundation: that of giving a boost to these young people who want to push their entrepreneurial projects forward.

Think of your donations as the way you offer a young person to do their internship in entrepreneurship!
photo laurent vernerey

Laurent Vernerey


An entrepreneur at heart and convinced of the importance of being an actor in their ambitions, I founded two companies: InPact Partners, in the financial sector, and the DRwine Group, in the wine sector.Also sensitive to transmission, the new uninhibited generation of Millenials surprises and fascinates me with their audacity and creativity.

Being able to offer talented and motivated young students the chance to give life to their idea through trust, financial assistance, mentoring or networking so that they can reach their goals and embark more peacefully on the wonderful adventure of entrepreneurship is essential for me.

When I joined the BSB Foundation in early 2020, it was obvious to invest in the Foundation's entrepreneurship component to support the actions developed by the BSB incubator teams.
photo antoine prudent

Antoine Prudent

Founding Partner at Inpact Partners & Co-founder of the Dr Wine Group

Beneficiary testimonies

photo clément rionde
Clément Riondé
Teepark Project

After a year and a half spent on a gap year and a half abroad, I decided to join the master's degree in Entrepreneurship and SME Management, in order to carry out a business project that had been germinating in my head since the summer. This semester was an opportunity to learn the first entrepreneurial concepts and to join the BSB incubator where Claire Maugras is of capital help. The entrepreneurial grant, granted by the BSB Foundation, was the trigger for Teepark. Indeed, this grant made it possible to bring confidence to the project, but also to launch the first steps in order to move from the idea to the concrete.

photo delhia havot
Delhia Havot
Serious Gaming Corporation Project

Thanks to the BSB Foundation, which allowed me to finance part of my Master 2, I was able to focus on my Serious Gaming Corporation entrepreneurial project, with which I aim to be an actor in the gamification of our society. This involves fun and educational professional training using board games as a medium, support in the use of “Serious Games”, which allow companies and institutions to increase their skills, as well as through the development of tools. innovative communication always around board games.

photo julien rietsch
Julien Rietsch
Smart & Sparkle Project

The BSB Foundation allowed me to develop my Smart&Sparkle entrepreneurial project. My project consists in marketing stainless steel bottles, capable of creating sparkling water according to the user's convenience.Smart&Sparkle is the small pleasure of the day, the possibility of having a personalized drink anytime and anywhere during the day, while respecting the environment and limiting plastic waste.Thanks to the Incubator grant I can focus 100% on my project and finance my living expenses and facilitate its progress. It is a unique opportunity, which allows any entrepreneur to believe in their project.

Student projects with a positive impact

BSB students are full of inventiveness and desire, and the BSB Foundation wishes to be able to support them in their seeking funding for their projects with a positive impact (humanitarian, societal, environmental, etc.), cultural, or sporting.

These student initiatives may be supported by a recognized Student Association or by a collective student proposal.

In addition to the support offered by the DAP Department (Personal Development and Support) of BSB, the Foundation provides logistical and/or financial support in their sponsorship procedures (cash, skills, nature and calls for projects from Corporate Foundations).

In 2022, the BSB Foundation partnered with The student and solidarity association Owl For You On the occasion of the international solidarity movement Giving Tuesday around a challenge aimed at collecting as much food and hygiene products as possible.

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