Support us

How to support us?

Cash sponsorship

You offer us a financial donation, which can be allocated to a specific project

In-kind sponsorship

You offer us a donation or the free provision of goods or services

Skill sponsorship

You give us time, your expertise

Tax benefits

For businesses

Under Act 2003-709 of 1 August 2003 on donations and sponsorship, the company benefits from advantageous tax deductions.

This is a tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation up to a limit of 0.5% of turnover. For example, subject to the limit of 0.5% of net sales, if the company gives €100,000 accumulated over 5 years, it actually costs you €40,000, or €8,000 per year.

In the event of a deficit, the credit may be carried over to the next 5 financial years. If the ceiling is exceeded, the balance can be carried over to the 5 financial years following the payment.

For individuals

The new 2019 withholding tax system allows you to keep your tax advantage following a donation. As a result, the percentage of tax reduction on donations is:

  • 66% for income tax, the income tax reduction resulting from a donation is therefore maintained: donations made in year “N” qualify for a reduction in year “N+1”, as currently. Thus, all donations that you send until December 31, 2022, will be taken into account and will be eligible for a tax reduction in 2023.
  • 75% for people subject to Real Estate Wealth Tax (IFI)

Do you have a question?

For any questions please contact:
photo sophie pouchet, responsable fondation BSB

Sophie Pouchet-Pellerin

Head of the BSB Foundation

How do I donate?

On line

On the Fondation de France website

By check

On behalf of the Fondation de France/Fondation BSB at the following address:

BSB Foundation
Donor service
29 rue Sambin 21000 Dijon

By bank transfer

On the account of the Fondation de France/BSB Foundation no. 00502 000 6643 (Please specify your name in the description)

RIB: 30056 00502 0502 000 6643 78
IBAN: FR76 3005 6005 0205 0205 0200 0664 378

By automatic debit

Donate regularly (monthly, quarterly, or annually) by choosing the direct debit option: