Our donors

Thank you, dear donors!

Almost 10 years since the BSB Foundation was created.

Many of you — graduates, parents, suppliers, suppliers, suppliers, business partners, business partners, colleagues, friends — have contributed to the development of the BSB Foundation's projects.

Your donations are used to finance scholarships for students in financial difficulty, to support BSB's strategic research areas but also to support the educational development of the School by, for example, financing documentary funds for the Learning Center, equipment, and the creation of new teaching programs.

Every donation is important.

Thanks to all of our donors! Without you nothing would be possible.

Our 3 founding companies

The BSB Foundation, chaired by Laurent Vernerey (Alumni '83), was created in 2014 under the aegis of the Fondation de France by three corporate sponsors:

logo banque populaire fédération nationalelogo banque populaire bourgogne franche-comtélogo crédit agricole franche-comté

Our corporate sponsors

logo ACG
logo AVS communication
logo BFC angels
logo caisse d'épargne bourgogne franche-comté
logo chez mes soeurs
logo CRCC
logo domaine dujac
logo domaine Ponsot
logo gilles sonnet fleuriste
logo groupe GCVF
logo hautes cotes
logo hillebrand gori, a company of DHL
logo hotels bourgogne qualité
logo IRF
logo KPMG
logo mulot et petitjean
logo ordre des experts comptables bourgogne franche-comté
logo rubis capital
logo the Roots Fund
logo scène & son

Our individual donors

photo valérie noury
Valérie Noury


Supporting the Foundation means developing links between generations and sharing the values of generosity, solidarity and caring and sharing years of experience to give a chance, promote diversity and develop talents: a great initiative that we must bring to life!
photo alain sivan
Alan Sivan


Committing to the BSB Foundation means offering an opportunity. It means offering students the opportunity to pursue their dreams, desires or ambitions. It means offering them the opportunity to thrive in their professional life and to accomplish a project, their project. It also means offering them unique moments of friendship, sharing and discovery in a human-sized school open to the world while respecting each person's personalities and cultures.
photo laurence ciora
Laurence Ciora


I share what I discover in order to promote mutual enrichment, it is the reason for being that motivates me. Supporting the BSB Foundation is fully in line with it. Indeed, sharing today with the school that has contributed to becoming who I am, allowing students to be able to benefit from it and thus develop their talents, their skills and their desire to undertake in France and abroad seems to me to be a fair return of things.
photo yvanne barre
Yvane Barre


It was a personalized call via my classmates that drew my attention to the Foundation. The projects and values put forward intersect my own commitment within the Association RÉUSSIR AUJOURD'HUI, of which I am the vice-president this year.Helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to access higher education brings us together and will surely find synergies.
photo axel zimmermann
Axel Zimmermann


The BSB Foundation supports projects such as financial support for young students who need it in order to access high-quality, comprehensive and internationally open higher education, in order to enter the world of work in the best possible way. Labor market, which is far from being obvious today, and this is also the reason why, it is our responsibility to be as generous as possible for these projects that are really worth the cost.
photo sophie blanchet
Sophie Blanchet


Supporting the BSB Foundation means transmitting the values taught to BSB between the different promotions. I learned and received a lot during my training at BSB and I am delighted to be able to financially support the foundation to allow young people to study in favorable conditions and in turn benefit from the lessons that made me grow and discover the business world.I appreciate the spirit of conviviality that persists, and the creation of links between the youngest and the old.
photo gerard grivotet
Gérard Grivotet


I decided to support the BSB Foundation for two reasons. The first is out of intergenerational solidarity for young students in order to let them benefit from our experience and support when they express it. The second, obvious in this pandemic year, which deprives our young people of vital resources, out of duty to help them pass this milestone and perpetuate the reputation of our 29 rue Sambin school in their future careers. “To receive, you must know how to give...”. To be meditated on by all!
photo jean-baptiste thiry
Jean-Baptiste Thiry


I consider that my years at BSB, for me “ESC Dijon” were an incredible chance and if I am a donor it is mainly to give to others, who might not have been able to go to this school, the chance to be able to live this tremendous human adventure, not to mention the learning that still serves me today. It is especially the memories, the projects and the friends that are the most precious things that I will remember and I wish everyone to have such a fulfilling schooling.
photo olivier camus
Olivier Camus


By supporting the Foundation, I have the satisfaction of participating in very diverse projects allowing some students to continue their training at BSB, to launch their start-up or at school to innovate academically. This diversity of projects is quite unique. Contributing to the Foundation is also vital to strengthen and strengthen the BSB network in France and abroad. I sincerely hope that the number of donors can change dimensions to reach a 4-digit number...
photo serge geri
Serve Geri


Noting how well this school has adapted to the requirements of its framework of intervention, it is however necessary for it to maintain the means to continue its evolution. Moreover, and with regard to students, in particular the less fortunate ones, the concept of solidarity seems, especially in the current health context, to be a requirement likely to give the term “solidarity” a concrete meaning for once. These are the main reasons that led me to support the BSB Foundation.
photo sylvie parriaud
Sylvie Parriaud


Make the dream eat up your life, so that life does not eat up your dream” wrote Saint Exupéry.

Supporting the BSB Foundation means supporting young talents to make their dreams come true; it also means uniting graduates of a School that has always combined Success and Values around superb projects.
photo tarik halloumi
Tarik Halloumi


I discovered the BSB Foundation a few years ago during one of my participations in the School's integration juries. Indeed, the BSB Foundation did not exist at the time of my visit to 29 Sambin Street, it would have been a precious help for many of us. I was particularly sensitive to the values and messages conveyed by her manager and the entire team. Supporting the Foundation means promoting equal opportunities, promoting the influence of our School and supporting the projects of our entrepreneurs and the BSB community.
photo dominique bouvard
Dominique Bouvard


For me, supporting the Fondation de l'École means first and foremost a fair return to things: if I had not received financial assistance myself at the time of my studies, I would never have had the chance to pursue the professional career that I had. Beyond promoting social diversity, supporting the Foundation also means helping to give a boost to innovative projects while encouraging an entrepreneurial state of mind.
photo valérie noury
Valérie Noury


Supporting the Foundation means developing links between generations and sharing the values of generosity, solidarity and caring and sharing years of experience to give a chance, promote diversity and develop talents: a great initiative that we must bring to life!
photo alain sivan
Alan Sivan


“Committing to the BSB Foundation means offering an opportunity. It means offering students the opportunity to pursue their dreams, desires or ambitions. It means offering them the opportunity to thrive in their professional life and to accomplish a project, their project. It also means offering them unique moments of friendship, sharing and discovery in a human-sized school open to the world while respecting each person's personalities and cultures.”
photo laurence ciora
Laurence Ciora


I share what I discover in order to promote mutual enrichment, it is the reason for being that motivates me. Supporting the BSB Foundation is fully in line with it. Indeed, sharing today with the school that has contributed to becoming who I am, allowing students to be able to benefit from it and thus develop their talents, their skills and their desire to undertake in France and abroad seems to me to be a fair return of things.
photo yvanne barre
Yvane Barre


It was a personalized call via my classmates that drew my attention to the Foundation. The projects and values put forward intersect my own commitment within the Association RÉUSSIR AUJOURD'HUI, of which I am the vice-president this year.Helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to access higher education brings us together and will surely find synergies.
photo axel zimmermann
Axel Zimmermann


The BSB Foundation supports projects such as financial support for young students who need it in order to access high-quality, comprehensive and internationally open higher education, in order to enter the world of work in the best possible way. Labor market, which is far from being obvious today, and this is also the reason why, it is our responsibility to be as generous as possible for these projects that are really worth the cost.
photo sophie blanchet
Sophie Blanchet


Supporting the BSB Foundation means transmitting the values taught to BSB between the different promotions. I learned and received a lot during my training at BSB and I am delighted to be able to financially support the foundation to allow young people to study in favorable conditions and in turn benefit from the lessons that made me grow and discover the business world.I appreciate the spirit of conviviality that persists, and the creation of links between the youngest and the old.
photo gerard grivotet
Gérard Grivotet


I decided to support the BSB Foundation for two reasons. The first is out of intergenerational solidarity for young students in order to let them benefit from our experience and support when they express it. The second, obvious in this pandemic year, which deprives our young people of vital resources, out of duty to help them pass this milestone and perpetuate the reputation of our 29 rue Sambin school in their future careers. “To receive, you must know how to give...”. To be meditated on by all!
photo jean-baptiste thiry
Jean-Baptiste Thiry


I consider that my years at BSB, for me “ESC Dijon” were an incredible chance and if I am a donor it is mainly to give to others, who might not have been able to go to this school, the chance to be able to live this tremendous human adventure, not to mention the learning that still serves me today. It is especially the memories, the projects and the friends that are the most precious things that I will remember and I wish everyone to have such a fulfilling schooling.
photo olivier camus
Olivier Camus


By supporting the Foundation, I have the satisfaction of participating in very diverse projects allowing some students to continue their training at BSB, to launch their start-up or at school to innovate academically. This diversity of projects is quite unique. Contributing to the Foundation is also vital to strengthen and strengthen the BSB network in France and abroad. I sincerely hope that the number of donors can change dimensions to reach a 4-digit number...
photo serge geri
Serve Geri


Noting how well this school has adapted to the requirements of its framework of intervention, it is however necessary for it to maintain the means to continue its evolution. Moreover, and with regard to students, in particular the less fortunate ones, the concept of solidarity seems, especially in the current health context, to be a requirement likely to give the term “solidarity” a concrete meaning for once. These are the main reasons that led me to support the BSB Foundation.
photo sylvie parriaud
Sylvie Parriaud


Make the dream eat up your life, so that life does not eat up your dream” wrote Saint Exupéry.

Supporting the BSB Foundation means supporting young talents to make their dreams come true; it also means uniting graduates of a School that has always combined Success and Values around superb projects.
photo tarik halloumi
Tarik Halloumi


I discovered the BSB Foundation a few years ago during one of my participations in the School's integration juries. Indeed, the BSB Foundation did not exist at the time of my visit to 29 Sambin Street, it would have been a precious help for many of us. I was particularly sensitive to the values and messages conveyed by her manager and the entire team. Supporting the Foundation means promoting equal opportunities, promoting the influence of our School and supporting the projects of our entrepreneurs and the BSB community.
photo dominique bouvard
Dominique Bouvard


For me, supporting the Fondation de l'École means first and foremost a fair return to things: if I had not received financial assistance myself at the time of my studies, I would never have had the chance to pursue the professional career that I had. Beyond promoting social diversity, supporting the Foundation also means helping to give a boost to innovative projects while encouraging an entrepreneurial state of mind.
photo valérie bogaert
Valérie Bogaert


The BSB Foundation is committed, among other things, to more equal opportunities for students and to the development of their entrepreneurial spirit.

Having become a parent of young adults in turn, these subjects are particularly close to my heart, hence this little help to financially help those who need it to dare, dream big and build their future as peacefully as possible.
photo frédérique miller
Frédérique Miller


For me, the BSB Foundation means giving young people who cannot afford it the opportunity to finance their studies. However, we know that studies are decisive in a person's life path.

It is the path to freedom, it is the possibility to choose your life and not suffer from your professional life.”
photo francois xavier meurville
François-Xavier Meurville


With my diploma from ESC Dijon in my pocket, I had the opportunity throughout my professional career to promote it by working internationally on 4 continents.

This is the luck that I wish to the most motivated and in particular to those who fight every day to lead the exciting life they once imagined. The BSB Foundation is made for this both through our donations and through mentoring.
photo sanela kevric
Sanela Kevric


Giving to the BSB Foundation is a way of giving back what was given to me when I was a student myself.

It is a fair return, a contribution to the noble cause of education; concrete action and a boost to deserving students.
alfredo saitta
Alfredo Saïtta

Hedge Fund Manager at Brevand Howard

I deeply believe in the founding values of the BSB Foundation and it is important for me to support it in order to combine my personal values with concrete actions.

Moreover, I am convinced that empowering young people to believe in their dreams by giving them the chance to achieve and even surpass them is the best way to make a tangible contribution to the new generations.
photo pascale grelot girard
Pascale Grelot-Girard


BSB has allowed me to have a rich and exciting professional life. Today, it is important for me to help young students succeed in their studies and their entry into professional life.

Supporting the BSB Foundation is fundamental to maintaining the values of solidarity, equity, relationships between promotions and generosity that are always, and more than ever, at the heart of BSB.
photo géraldine blarel
Géraldine Blarel


Supporting the BSB Foundation means helping to open up opportunities for all students, promoting diversity and inclusion, supporting entrepreneurship and social and societal engagement.

A real meaning to our individual mission, what do you think?
photo nicolas desachy
Nicholas Desachy


Why commit to the BSB Foundation? BSB gave me the ingredients to succeed in a successful professional career. After having learned a lot and produced a lot, today I am entering my 3rd half: I want to transmit. Committing to the BSB Foundation means contributing to the success of the new generation. My commitment is not only financial, I am participating in the Foundation's new mentoring program. Mentoring a future graduate means sharing the keys to opening up the field of possibilities and succeeding in your dreams.
chloe duhay
Chloé Duhay


Supporting the BSB Foundation by participating in its financing means allowing the real application of concepts such as solidarity and equal opportunities, which are promoted by the school. BSB is rich in the diversity of students and graduates who make up it.It is a pride to be able to: help finance the academic curriculum of deserving students, allow the emergence of entrepreneurial nuggets via the Incubator, support ambitious programs with a human and societal dimension, such as (Re) connectLet's simply give us a little bit of what our school has brought us.
photo luc hyvernat
Luc Hyvernat


My wife and I are proud as alumni to be able to concretely support, through the Foundation, the BSB students who need it the most. And to give back to the school some of what it gave us.
photo elodie chevalier
Elodie Chevalier


By supporting the BSB Foundation, you are offering one or more students the opportunity to conduct their studies more peacefully, without them necessarily having to worry about the end of the month. To you who know what it means to combine small jobs and studies, to you who are qualified and in a position to give this boost, we are counting on you.
photo raphael thomas
Raphaël Thomas


One of the goals of the BSB Foundation is to help BSB students in financial difficulty. So personal memories come back to me: difficulty and disappointments in the search for school grants and, finally, the obtaining of an honorary loan granted by the Dijon Academy thanks, in particular, to the strong support of the school. So, yes, that the BSB Foundation offers an alternative support to students, within the framework of a demanding but also caring approach, I am really delighted.
photo valérie noury
Valérie Noury


Supporting the Foundation means developing links between generations and sharing the values of generosity, solidarity and caring and sharing years of experience to give a chance, promote diversity and develop talents: a great initiative that we must bring to life!
photo valérie bogaert
Valérie Bogaert


The BSB Foundation is committed, among other things, to more equal opportunities for students and to the development of their entrepreneurial spirit.

Having become a parent of young adults in turn, these subjects are particularly close to my heart, hence this little help to financially help those who need it to dare, dream big and build their future as peacefully as possible.
photo frédérique miller
Frédérique Miller


For me, the BSB Foundation means giving young people who cannot afford it the opportunity to finance their studies. However, we know that studies are decisive in a person's life path.

It is the path to freedom, it is the possibility to choose your life and not suffer from your professional life.”
photo francois xavier meurville
François-Xavier Meurville


With my diploma from ESC Dijon in my pocket, I had the opportunity throughout my professional career to promote it by working internationally on 4 continents.

This is the luck that I wish to the most motivated and in particular to those who fight every day to lead the exciting life they once imagined. The BSB Foundation is made for this both through our donations and through mentoring.
photo sanela kevric
Sanela Kevric


Giving to the BSB Foundation is a way of giving back what was given to me when I was a student myself.

It is a fair return, a contribution to the noble cause of education; concrete action and a boost to deserving students.
alfredo saitta
Alfredo Saïtta

Hedge Fund Manager at Brevand Howard

I deeply believe in the founding values of the BSB Foundation and it is important for me to support it in order to combine my personal values with concrete actions.

Moreover, I am convinced that empowering young people to believe in their dreams by giving them the chance to achieve and even surpass them is the best way to make a tangible contribution to the new generations.
photo pascale grelot girard
Pascale Grelot-Girard


BSB has allowed me to have a rich and exciting professional life. Today, it is important for me to help young students succeed in their studies and their entry into professional life.

Supporting the BSB Foundation is fundamental to maintaining the values of solidarity, equity, relationships between promotions and generosity that are always, and more than ever, at the heart of BSB.
photo géraldine blarel
Géraldine Blarel


Supporting the BSB Foundation means helping to open up opportunities for all students, promoting diversity and inclusion, supporting entrepreneurship and social and societal engagement.

A real meaning to our individual mission, what do you think?
photo nicolas desachy
Nicholas Desachy


Why commit to the BSB Foundation? BSB gave me the ingredients to succeed in a successful professional career. After having learned a lot and produced a lot, today I am entering my 3rd half: I want to transmit. Committing to the BSB Foundation means contributing to the success of the new generation. My commitment is not only financial, I am participating in the Foundation's new mentoring program. Mentoring a future graduate means sharing the keys to opening up the field of possibilities and succeeding in your dreams.
chloe duhay
Chloé Duhay


Supporting the BSB Foundation by participating in its financing means allowing the real application of concepts such as solidarity and equal opportunities, which are promoted by the school. BSB is rich in the diversity of students and graduates who make up it.It is a pride to be able to: help finance the academic curriculum of deserving students, allow the emergence of entrepreneurial nuggets via the Incubator, support ambitious programs with a human and societal dimension, such as (Re) connectLet's simply give us a little bit of what our school has brought us.
photo luc hyvernat
Luc Hyvernat


My wife and I are proud as alumni to be able to concretely support, through the Foundation, the BSB students who need it the most. And to give back to the school some of what it gave us.
photo elodie chevalier
Elodie Chevalier


By supporting the BSB Foundation, you are offering one or more students the opportunity to conduct their studies more peacefully, without them necessarily having to worry about the end of the month. To you who know what it means to combine small jobs and studies, to you who are qualified and in a position to give this boost, we are counting on you.
photo raphael thomas
Raphaël Thomas


One of the goals of the BSB Foundation is to help BSB students in financial difficulty. So personal memories come back to me: difficulty and disappointments in the search for school grants and, finally, the obtaining of an honorary loan granted by the Dijon Academy thanks, in particular, to the strong support of the school. So, yes, that the BSB Foundation offers an alternative support to students, within the framework of a demanding but also caring approach, I am really delighted.
photo valérie noury
Valérie Noury


Supporting the Foundation means developing links between generations and sharing the values of generosity, solidarity and caring and sharing years of experience to give a chance, promote diversity and develop talents: a great initiative that we must bring to life!